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Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering: Fu Chengfang(付成芳)

发布者: [发表时间]:2022-03-15 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

Personal information

Ph.D Professor

Tel: +86 13852336319

Email: fchffchf@126.com

Office: Room 1110, Building Yifu, Meichenglu Campus, Huaiyin Institute of Technology.

Education & Experience

2019Now, Professor, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

20132019, Associate Prof., Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

20092013, Lecturer, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China

2004–2009, Ph.D., University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Research Fields

· Dr. Fus current research interests mainly lie in the fields of microwave circuit and microwave device. He has presided and completed more than ten projects. One project was supported by National Natural Science Foundation, and Two were supported by Huaian Science and Technology Bureau. He has published more than 20 papers as the first author. As the first inventor, he has been authorized one patent of invention and one patent of utility model.

Selected Publications

1. Analysis of Step-Loaded Open Rectangular Grating Slow-Wave Structures for MM-Wave Traveling-Wave Tubes. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 2016, 45(1): 27-34.

2. Simulation of Rectangular Helix Slow-Wave Structure for 140 GHz Traveling-Wave Tube. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 44, NO. 7, 1069-1074, JULY 2016.

3. One-dimensional nonlinear theory for rectangular helix traveling-wave tube. Physics of Plasmas, 23(8), 083123 (8), 2016.

4. Slow-Wave Characteristics of a Frame–Rod Structure Based on Micro-Fabricated Technology for THz Vacuum Electron Devices, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 37(11), 1106-1116, 2016.

5. Characteristics of Micro-Fabricated ectangular Ring-Bar Slow Wave Structure for THz Vacuum Electron Devices: A Simulation and Theoretical Study. Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science And Technology, 2018.38(8),719-725.

6. New Design of directional coupler Based on Ridge-waveguide. ICIMM 2018, 2018, 6,15-16,guangzhou,China, 418-421.